Allergy Symptoms and Food Intolerence

flatulance healing foods, your body is trying

Healing Foods

Could Healing Foods play a part in your good health? What's your body trying to tell you? A List of Healing Foods Flatulence. Embarrassing wind problem or that strange rash could be your body telling you things aren't quite right. It's completely normal to pass wind between 10 and 20 ...
whole_grain_food wheat allergy

Wheat Allergy Symptoms And Treatments

Symptoms to Wheat Allergy. Being allergic to wheat is becoming increasingly common, despite the fact that wheat is a common ingredient in many products, the percentage of the population that develops a wheat allergy is relatively small but increasing quickly. Most doctors believe that this is due to the fact ...
Hormone Allergies

Hormone Allergies

Hormone allergy is a heightened reaction to the normal function of hormones. A Hormone imbalance is an allergic reaction experienced by some women from the young age before puberty right through to the later years. Hormone allergy occurs in nearly almost all women during the premenstrual part of their cycle ...
Beautiful female laying on the flower filed


The Path To Allergy Freedom is one of many steps. Reducing your exposure to allergens and toxins, implementing therapeutic diets, and restoring barrier functions are major leaps toward health. Nevertheless, you may still be sensitized to allergens despite rigorous application of these therapies. Many allergy and sensitivity patients will find ...
BRAR7J Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of a Dust Mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus), magnification x 700

Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms

Even the cleanest of houses can have Dust mites. Dust Mites are microscopic creatures related to ticks and spiders and feed off dead human skins scales. Dust Mites live in specks of dust and thrive in warm,humid environments. They cannot survive in dry or hot climates or at high altitudes ...
White King Bleach Immune suppressent

Bleach Implicated in Child Illness

Bleach Implicated in Child Illness according to recent research The use of bleach to clean the home has been linked to a heightened risk of childhood infections. Research published in the British Medical Journal's Occupational and Environmental Medicine found children whose parents regularly used bleach to clean the home were ...
allergic-reaction - Manage Allergies

Manage Allergies

To manage Allergies and understand what allergy is for the sake of your own health as well as the health of your family, learn how allergy occurs, become aware of common signs and symptoms, and discover what you can do to manage allergic disease. Allergies are the fastest growing chronic ...
Alternative Medicine & Allergies

Alternative Medicine & Allergies

Alternative Medicine looks at Allergies in a holistic manner. Alternative medicine has practical solutions for identifying and treating the underlying causes and can bring lasting relief to allergy sufferers. Many people have learned this the hard way by living with discomfort displaying symptoms such as sneezing congestion pain sleeplessness and ...
Cat saliva allergy

Pet Dander Allergies – Symptoms and Treatment

 Pet dander is one of the most common allergies. Pets are great to have as part of your life. As well as simply being a pleasure to own, it has been proven in research that there are many benefits to be gained from teaching children responsibility and respect. Many older ...
Chlorine Allergy symptoms chlorine bleach

Symptoms of Chlorine Allergy

Chlorine Allergy symptoms Chlorine is considered one of the most toxic natural substances.  Chlorine is found in drinking water, swimming pools and washing detergents. We have found that some individuals tolerate chlorine levels in a swimming pool but do not tolerate the chlorine in a spa. This would be for ...
milk intolerence

Lactose allergy symptoms

Symptoms of consuming Lactose Food allergies are a very common and are often undiagnosed. Amongst the described food allergies, lactose intolerance is a well-recognized clinical condition that presents with a many symptoms. The condition can be rather distressing for patients and required is a drastic change in their diet and ...

Crustacean allergy

Crustacean allergy and the Symptoms. Crustacean allergies are becoming increasingly common. Amongst the common food allergies, crustacean allergy is one such condition that is seen in many people across the globe. Based on a survey conducted in United States assessing 5529 households, it emerged that 2.3% of the population i.e ...
Sesame allergy seed Sesame Seed allergy

Sesame Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

Is there a treatment for Sesame Seed Allergy? The food industry makes use of sesame seeds extensively. Sesame seeds can cause a severe allergic reaction to many people. Not surprisingly the food product with high concentrations of the sesame seeds is most likely to cause the severe reactions. An allergy ...
seafood potential allergies

Seafood Allergy

Seafood Allergy & Intolerance Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in the consumption of seafood. Often this increase is due to the health benefits associated with the consumption of some seafood. Seafood is rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and other essential nutrients, it is ...

Leaky Gut Diet Plan

Leaky Gut Syndrome Diet Plan Leaky Gut Syndrome describes a clinical condition where the permeability of the intestine is altered. It is believed to be responsible for a variety of different clinical conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Celiac Disease. Management of leaky gut primarily involves treating the various conditions ...
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