Allergy Symptoms and Food Intolerence

peak season allergies

What is an Allergic Reaction?

An allergic reaction is an inappropriate immune-system response that causes symptoms in a certain subset of the population. Specificity is the hallmark of all immune responses. People are usually allergic to only a few specific substances. For example, someone sensitive only to the allergen found in red cedar dust will ...
Peanut Allergies - Symptoms and Treatment

Peanut Allergies – Symptoms and Treatment

Peanut Allergy is one of the most common food allergies and can be one the more serious to the extent of anaphylaxis, which is an acute allergic reaction to an antigen (e.g. a bee sting) to which the body has become hypersensitive. Although peanuts are what many usually think of ...
Allergies & Pollution

Air Pollution and the Relationship to Allergies

While the seeming increase in allergies may reflect greater media publicity, more public interest and better diagnosis, many experts suggest that there is probably a real rise in allergy incidence as well. The reason isn't known, but air pollution (especially vehicle and diesel fumes) and other environmental changes may aggravate ...

3 Main Ways to Manage an Allergy

What are the main Approaches to Allergy Treatment? There are three main ways to manage an allergy: Remove or avoid the provocative agent; quench or prevent the reaction with medications (pharmacotherapy) For selected allergies, try immunotherapy, "desensitization" using allergy shots with specific allergen extracts. Pharmacotherapy In addition, people can try ...

What Percentage of Americans Suffer Allergies?

There are no exact figures for those that suffer from allergies, as many do not consult physicians; they just medicate themselves or cope with the discomfort. However, one or more allergies are thought to affect 15 to 20 percent of North Americans. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health ...
soy lecithin

Soy Lecithin Allergies

Soy Lecithin Allergic: An Overview You would have noticed the term "soy lecithin” on various labels. It is a very common ingredient and is one of the top 10 common ingredients used in processed foods. Why is Lecithin  in your food? Lecithin is an oily substance that occurs naturally in ...
Cute pets, isolated on white

Overcoming Pet Allergies In Your Home

Does your family have issues overcoming Pet Allergies?  The Dyson vacuum cleaner company are doing their best to help. Where do Pet Allergies come from? Your much loved pets, Dogs, Cats and Birds etc are a common cause of allergies in the home. As your pets shed hair, feathers or ...
Asthma & stress

Asthma Drug Dangers

Asthma Drug in relation to Allergies. -  Although some of the frequently prescribed asthma drugs can be life-saving in an emergency, overuse or long-term use of most asthma medications can produce severe side effects. Oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, may over a period of time increase a patient's risk for ...
mast cell

What is an Allergic Response?

Three Main Immune Defense Mechanisms The body has three main immune defense mechanisms called "barrier functions"—that, when healthy, prevent foreign and potentially harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. The mucous membrane barrier, consisting of the respiratory system including the throat, nasal passages, and lungs, protects us from inhaled substances (pollen, ...
Barrier Function Default

Barrier Function Default:Root of Allergy and Sensitivity

Barrier function is an important concept in understanding and treating allergy/sensitivity. Barrier functions are those things that keep the patient from becoming sensitized (experiencing a negative body response) to substances. There are three major barriers and some supporting organs to consider. [box size="large" style="rounded"]The barrier function for food sensitivity or ...
Teenage girl with hay fever and handkerchief

Natural Elimination of Allergy Therapy – NEAT

The allergic response—sneezing, coughing, stuffed-up or runny noses, flushed cheeks, watery eyes, headaches--is a kind of learned behavior. Once your body recognizes a food, chemical, or plant pollen as dangerous, it stages an inflammatory response as an immune system defense. Eventually, if the exposure is not prolonged, the allergy symptoms ...

What is Atopic Dermatitis?

What is Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema? Eczema often begins in infancy after the baby is weaned from breast milk and is characterized by an inflammation of the skin, usually associated with blisters, red bumps, swelling, oozing, scaling, crusting, and itching. In infants two to 18 months, it appears as weeping, ...
Scratchy sore throat allergy

Scratchy Throat Allergies – Seasonal Allergies

Scratchy Throat Allergies – Seasonal Allergies Itchy, scratchy throats from allergies are annoying and uncomfortable. We go to the doctor and are turned away saying that we just have to let it pass. But that can be days or even weeks before we may find relief. But that doesn't have ...
Asthma & stress

Reactive Airway Disease/Asthma

Reactive Airway Disease/Asthma—You might be sleeping, jogging, even reading this book when you suddenly start wheezing and coughing. You struggle to breathe, your chest tightens, and anxiety floods your body. You're experiencing an asthma attack. [box size="large" style="rounded"]Reactive airway disease is a number of conditions that includes reversible narrowing of ...
Hay Fever Allergy

Allergic Rhinitis/Hay Fever

What is Allergic Rhinitis/Hay Fever? Allergic Rhinitis is a general term that indicates an inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. The release of histamine and other inflammatory substances during an allergic reaction produce the other symptoms associated with this condition: sneezing, a runny nose, ear and throat congestion, swollen sinuses, ...
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