Cheese Allergy

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Allergy & Intolerance to CheeseAllergy & intolerance to Cheesecheese

The consumption of milk and milk-based products has been known to cause allergic reactions.

What causes cheese allergy?

Cheese allergy is caused due to the presence of milk proteins within cheese.

Milk proteins can trigger an allergic response in certain individuals that results in a large variety of different clinical symptoms. The allergic response is an immune response that can range from either being mild to rather severe.

Clinical symptoms of the consumption of cheese

Cheese allergyThe clinical symptoms that are seen in cheese allergy can be mild or serious in nature. Mild clinical symptoms can range from a skin rash to mild itching. Patients may also experience abdominal bloating, excessive flatulence, abdominal pain and a degree of nausea and vomiting after they can consume cheese.
The more serious symptoms are the ones that are considered life-threatening.

A serious allergic response to cheese is called an anaphylactic reaction and can present with difficulty breathing, a reduction in blood pressure, a blotchy skin rash and a feeling of being extremely unwell.

Patients who have an anaphylactic response to cheese will require hospitalisation immediately and the administration of life-saving drugs such as adrenaline (in the form of an injection) and sometimes steroids.

Patients require close monitoring and must avoid dairy and dairy products at all costs.
Many a times, patients who develop cheese allergy may not know they have the condition until they have consumed cheese.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that patients who have cheese allergy tend to be allergic to other dairy products as well. So, if as a patient you have an allergy to milk, chances are you are also allergic to cheese.

Diagnosis of cheese allergy

Cheese allergy is best diagnosed through clinical history and the symptoms that the patients experience. Rarely are any additional tests required to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment of cheese allergy
The best treatment is prevention and patients who are diagnosed with cheese allergy must completely avoid eating cheese.

In addition, stopping the consumption of dairy and dairy products is also important. Patients who develop an allergic response should visit their doctor in order to obtain antihistamine medication and other essential treatment. If of course a serious anaphylactic reaction occurs, patients require hospitalisation and the administration of life-saving drugs.


Cheese allergy is a well-recognized   food allergy that is seen in individuals who are allergic to dairy and dairy  products. Prevention is the best form of treatment and avoidance of consumption of cheese must be followed at all costs.products. Prevention is the best form of treatment and avoidance of consumption of cheese must be followed at all costs.

Intolerance & Allergy to Cheese & Dairy

Dairy Allergy Symptoms in Adults and children.

Allergy & Intolerance to Cheese is quite common the reactions may be only noticeable with certain cheese, such as a cheddar cheese allergy, Feta Cheese Allergy, Goat Cheese allergy or Blue Cheese allergy. With some people the symptoms can be more pronounced.

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