Candida Vaginitis & Food Allergy

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Candida, Vaginitis & Food Allergy

The maddening itch of vaginal inflammation may be caused by three different microscopic organisms.

One is the yeastlike fungus Candida. Candida is biologically related to moulds in cheese; yeasts in beer, wine, vinegar and bread; yeast-based B vitamins; and mushrooms.
Most of the time, Candida lives compatibly in the intestines and vagina along with other microorganisms that keep Candida in check. Under certain circumstances, though, Candida can overrun its fellow organisms, causing infection and inflammation (candidiasis). Systemic Candida infection.vaginitis candida

The vagina is especially prone to Candida infections for a number of reasons. Mainly, the fungus thrives in the warm, moist climate of the vagina. And Candida from the intestinal tract can easily find their way to the vagina from the nearby rectum, multiplying the chances for infection.

Candida infections& the causes of candida

– special problem for people with allergies to yeasts and moulds.

– Their bodies react to an overgrowth of Candida as they would to any other yeast or mould. Nystatin and other anti-fungal medicines — in tablets or suppositories — can help kill off the fungus.
But in allergic people, the itching and inflammation may not go away until all forms of fungus, dietary and internal, are kept under control.

One tactic is to adopt a low-mould diet. ‘Eating moulds or yeasts may overload the system, and the infection flares up.’

The low-mould diet is most effective when combined with yoghurt therapy. Yoghurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a special bacterium that suppresses Candida.

For more information  regarding Candida and a relationship to bleach allergy

vaginitis candida infections solutionsPotential Candida Solutions

Candida vaginitis may be controlled by applying yoghurt [live cultures] to the vagina,’

♀ ‘Eating yoghurt, too, helps by controlling Candida growth in the intestines.’

♀ Chemical irritants aggravate vaginitis of any kind.

♀ Women plagued by vaginal inflammation should avoid using deodorant soaps, perfumed sprays, bubble baths and colored or perfumed toilet paper in the vaginal area.

♀ Other unexpected allergies, for more information on vaginal problems caused by allergy to condoms, spermicides and feminine hygiene sprays.

Ongoing Candida infections can also be a telltale sign of your health out of balance. Seeking nutritional advice is definely should be considered to get you gut in order and to maintain the healthy balance of bacteria in your system. This advise is general in nature and should be considered whilst seeking advice from you doctor.


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